2025 4th Grade Moving Up/Promotion Celebration

Item DescriptionPriceQty
 4th Grade Moving up Celebration
In order to make this event memorable, we will need a contribution for each child. In addition to our PTO budget, your contribution will go towards brunch, entertainment (DJ), class t-shirt, yearbook & one FatHead per student.


This photo of your student must be uploaded at the time of payment or there will not be a FatHead for your student on 6/18. For more information, please see https://buildahead.com/ or Image Guidelines - Build a Head


Valid File Extensions: jpg, jpeg, png, gif, html, htm, txt, docx, doc, odt, xlsx, xls, pptx, ppt, ttf, zip, pdf, mp3, js, css, eps, psd, ai, zip, m4a, ico
Max Size: 8MB

**Students wear shirts on Moving Up Day (June 2nd) and optionally on the last day of school.